How to optimize the images in the content for better SEO?

Optimizing the text content alone will not help your website to perform well on the SERP. It’s more than that. Google considers each and every media files present on the web page.
It is important to optimize the media’s like images on the webpage to make the content rank on the top of the Google SERP.
Here let’s see some Image optimization tips to make your webpage perform better on the SERP.
Choose the right images:
Use your own images captured by you rather than using the images from the web. You can also use the stock images from the platforms like Pixabay or Pexels.
Use the images in the correct resolution which suits your UI/UX design of the website.
Ensure to use the images which doesn’t affect the responsiveness of the website in both the mobile and the desktop.
Add Meta Information:
You should add the meta information for the images. Meta information may include the alt text and the title. Use the file name for the image relevant to the content.
The alt text will help the search engines like Google to understand better about the images, If the image doesn’t load on the webpage, then the Alt text will be displayed by the search engines in the place of the images.
Compress the images:
When you try to use the images which are captured in the high-end camera’s. You should compress the size of the images before uploading. By default image size will be huge,
You can compress the images by without losing the quality. Many open source softwares are available for this. By using the compressed images you can increase the loading speed of your website.
XML Image Sitemaps:
Use the XML Sitemap to make the images to be crawled and indexed by the Google.
As like you do for normal pages, XML Sitemap submission for the images is also mandatory.
You can also exclude some of the images being crawled by the search engines. Thus overall image optimization will help you to improve the ranks.
Summary of Image Optimization:
- Choose the right images with the correct resolution
- Use own images or stock images
- Add alt text to the images
- Add title & give a relevant file name to the images
- Compress the images before uploading to the website
- Create XML sitemap & submit to Google
These are some of the image optimization tips which you should follow to rank your content on the SERP for the target keyword.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.