Back Linking -Should Domain Authority Given More Importance?

What is Domain Authority?
Domain Authority is the search engine ranking score which denotes that how well a website will be ranked on the Google’s SERP. Domain Authority for a particular website is calculated based on the various factors like linking root domains, the total number of links, Moz rank, Moz trust, etc.
How Toxic Links Affect Your SEO?
Even though the domain authority of the website is very high, the site may be blacklisted by Google for some reasons. You should not simply link to your website from the other site by just considering the factor of domain authority.
Linking from the spammy site will spoil all the quality SEO works that you have done so far. Before linking from the other site, it’s better to check the spam score.
Consider the domain age:
Domain age is the duration or the time period since the domain is registered. More importantly, domain age conveys trust flow to both the search engines and the users.
Linking from the relevant website which has more domain age will help you increase the ranks on SERP. Give importance to domain age than the domain authority.
How to give SEO friendly backlink?
You should play smartly with the backlinks. Google doesn’t consider the quantity of the links that your website has got, it just considers the quality.
Even if you have the very minimum number of links but from the quality sites, then your website is more likely to rank on top of the SERP. Don’t try to give a bunch of links from the same site, provide the backlinks in a manner which makes it look more natural and spam free.
If the rank drops suddenly for no reason, then you should audit the links that you have provided recently. Finding and removing the spammy backlinks will help your site to gain the ranks back.
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Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.