How Digital Marketing Can Help Local Businesses in the UK

With so many large franchises in the UK smaller local businesses need to find the right way to stand out; this is where digital marketing comes in. there are many different tools and techniques for getting noticed by your target audience, making the most of what is out there. As a digital marketing agency that have personally controlled many different aspects of a local companies digital marketing, here are some tips that can help you;
Get Involved on Social Media
With a multitude of social media platforms that businesses can (for the most part) use for free, there is no reason to not get involved. You can easily see you target audience and redirect your customer base to your website. The importance of this is that with so many local businesses around, you need to show how and why you are different, and why they should choose your company over another.
Facebook is amazing for sharing a timeline of what is happening in your company, share blog posts and even share promotions that are happening in-store or online.
Instagram is another site that is very popular today, especially for 18-35-year olds, so if this is your target audience, make sure you take the opportunity to dive in. This platform is for picture and video sharing, so if you sell products, take some high-quality pictures that are appealing to the eye and come up with a witty caption to get people interested. EXTRA TIP: don’t be too ‘sales like’. Most people browse social media as a hobby or for entertainment, they want to see something nice, not be attacked with constant adverts.
It is a known fact that if people what a product they go to a search engine like Google, this is because they get a few options to choose from. However, only 8% of people will ever go past the first page on google, and the number lessens more as the search page goes on.
Making sure your website is perfected and is not only user friendly but also search engine friendly will greatly help with SEO (Search Engine optimization). Google wants to show pages that are interesting (Google Ranking) so make that decision simple for them by having an amazing website.
Why am I telling you this? Well once you have your brilliant website ready, SEO is going to get you to the top 3 results on google using the expertly chosen key words that people are most likely to search for. This puts you above the competition in your area, bringing custom to your local business instead of theirs. Your search will be on the organic listing, so there is no ‘AD’ sign next to your webpage.
Pay Per Click (PPC) is like SEO in some ways, however it is the none organic way of doing things. There is a search auction held for certain search terms, when these words or terms are search in your area your ‘AD’ will appear on the top of Google above the organic searches. There can be many advantages to this strategy such as, if the search term that you wish to use is very cheap and there isn’t too much competition, you wont being paying much for what could aid you company. This could however mean that the search term is not very popular, so you may not get much traffic from using it.
Another plus to this marketing strategy is that you only pay when someone clicks on your AD, which is why it is called pay per click. This means you can work out how much having one person visiting your site is worth which can make it easier to control you budget for digital marketing, especially for a smaller local company.
These strategies are important to the growth of a local business, especially when you are trying to separate your business from others. Check out our website by clicking the button below for all of these services and let us help you to grow your business on the online sphere today.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.