Why Lead Tracking is Critical to Retain PPC Clients

By Logesh Kumar
Documented Conversion Tracking is the Key to Success!
If you are running PPC Ads for your clients, you should be aware that they may close the retainer any time. The main reason is that the campaigns are all set and running smoothly, they would think twice to pay every month just for maintenance. So, you should have a firm hold on the account and make sure you do not disclose every tiny detail in campaign setup process.
Possible Reasons!
Clients may showcase tonnes of reasons for closing the PPC Retainer. One of the best reason is “No Leads”. Yeah, they would definitely say that they do not have an ROI for PPC AdWords and other crazy reasons. Even if they have many, you should have proper data to showcase that the campaigns are running smooth.
Tracking Website Forms
Collecting and monitoring website forms is the primary way to track conversions. It can be achieved by storing collected data on the web server for checking monthly (or) using a 3rd party tool like “HubSpot LeadIn” to measure the contact form fills along with traffic sources.
Tracking Phone Calls
This may sound weird. But, Google Provides best tools to measure the phone calls through AdWords Dynamic numbers that are injected into the website through codes. Hence, when a user visits the website from Ads, it would display the dynamic phone number. While the users are from other sources of traffic (like Direct, Organic, Referral and Social) — It would display the normal phone number.
If you have all the ROI Data in your hands, the clients has no way to close the PPC Retainer. Unless you ask them to do so! 😉
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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