7 WordPress Security Plugins for WordPress Websites

If you are looking to learn how to secure your WordPress site these WordPress security plugins will certainly help you secure your site from hackers.
WordPress is one of the most used platforms by bloggers and website developers all over the world.
- It is a system that is based on PHP and MySQL and has plugin architecture and a template system feature.
- The platform is highly customizable, it therefore allows users to pick and develop their website based on various options. This self-based platform started out as a blogging tool and later evolved to a website builder.
- It is easy and flexible to use even without the technological know-how. There are very many advantages to using WordPress platform.
- These include the fact that it is a free software, it is easy to customize with themes and plugins, it is SEO friendly, easy to manage, easy to secure and so much more.
These advantages of WordPress make it a target to hackers through different vulnerabilities. Many websites are hacked or affected by malware by exploiting the weaknesses in a plugin installed.
However there are different types of plugins you can install to upgrade the security of your website. These include;
1. Wordfence
Wordfence is one of the most popular WordPress security scanners. It is built with an end point firewall and malware scanner to protect the platform from prying eyes. It is equipped with the latest threat defense arms like firewall rules, malware signatures, and protects you from unknown IP addresses that might cause the website to crash. The scanner is used to scan through your files, plugins and themes for any viruses. It alerts you in case of any dangers. Through this, the website is made secure and faster by the use of Falcom caching engine.Bullet Proof Security
2. Bulletproof Security

Bullet Proof Security click setup interface lets you relax as it sets up the firewall interface. It is in charge of adding database and security login among others. Just like its name, the security plugin blocks malicious IP addresses, security scanners, code scanners, viruses and lots more. It notifies its user in case of any infection the proper action to take before it causes harm to your site. It increases the working speed of the site by adding caching. New vulnerabilities spring up every day and that iswhy bullet proof keeps updating itself with advanced features to protect your website from hackers.
3. Sucuri Security
Sucuri security is a security plugin offered to WordPress from the famous Sucuri Company. The security plugin is responsible for offering security features that keep your website out of reach from hackers and other vulnerabilities. These security features include; file integrity, malware auditing, blacklist monitoring, security auditing, and website firewall. In case of any alert, the plugin notifies its user through email.
4. iThemes Security
Also known as WordPress security, iThemes security plugin claims to offer more than 30 ways to secure your website from any vulnerabilities that may arise. It is a one click installation plugin therefore easy to install. Once it starts running, it scans through your themes and plugins ensuring they are secured and fix any security holes discovered.
5. Acunetix WP Security Scan
This is a security plugin that is offered by the Acunetix Company hence the name Acunetix WP Security Scan plugin. It is a security plugin designed to scan through the website for any vulnerabilities and loopholes and alert the user with the necessary measures to take. It offers security by hiding the source code information that can be used by hackers to gather data before an attack. It provides administration permission, database security, version hiding and file permission privacy among others.
6. All in One WP Security and Firewall
All in One WP Security is known to protect against login attacks and lockdown, this security plugin is designed to check vulnerabilities in your website, report any incoming harm and suggest the necessary action to be taken. It offers the necessary and recommended security practices to the user; for instance when you are saving a weak password, or if there are too many login attempts, it causes a lockdown. It allows the user to schedule a backup at their own appropriate timeand get an email notification as a reminder on the same. It blacklists and prevents any various attacks on your website and prevents various security threats
7. 6Scan Security
6Scan Security is a popular security scan that protects your website from hackers. It is equipped with an automated fix protection that offers protection against any security vulnerabilities. This particular security plugin has an auto-fix server side agent solution that automatically fixes any vulnerabilities it comes across. It also alerts its user through emails in case of any security threatening vulnerabilities thatmay cause harm to the website as well as with the possible solution to its demise.
With the above listing of WordPress security plugins, you are free to choose which one to work with. Get in touch with ClickDo for all the latest tips to help protect your website from hackers,
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.