3 Tips To Write Better Content For Your Website

Content plays the major role in the SEO. Having quality content without grammatical errors will help you improve the ranks of your web page in the Google.
As a content writer, you should keep in mind several things while writing the contents. Here let’s see some content writing tips for the better SEO.
Always keep the audience in mind for whom you are writing the contents. Make sure that your content matches the need of the target audience who are visiting the website.
Having the plagiarized or the low-quality contents in the site will result in the huge bounce rate. As a content writer, you should always make ways to add some media files like Infographics, Videos to the content.
Don’t write contents in the motive of ranking it on top of the Google and driving more traffic to the website.
Provide contents by keeping the users in mind, because ranking on top for the useless contents will not make the users to stay in their website for the long time.
Though Google’s RankBrain AI gives more importance to the dwell time of the users in the website. Try to engage the users with your content as much as you can.
Reducing the bounce rate of the users in the website and making the users spend more time in your website will help you to improve the ranks of the website organically.
Be Specific to the Topic:
Write the content which is more specific to the topic. Always keep the target keywords in mind and write the contents specifically for that.
Avoid adding contents which are irrelevant to the topic and the one which will not add any value to the users. Be more specific and update the contents based on the particular topic.
Give Least Preference to the Search Engines:
Always keep the target audience in mind and give very least preference to the Search Engine. Don’t try to stuff the keywords in the motive of ranking them.
Google is capable of picking the contents which are really unique and free from grammatical errors. Hence try to update the contents in the web page which makes the users to engage more time.
To keep the users engaged with your web page for more time, add some more media files like Infographics, Videos, etc to the landing page. This will reduce the bounce rate and will help you to improve the rank on the Google SERP.
Add more Media Content:
It’s not about only updating the sites with the text content. Users will engage more time with your website only if it has some quality media files like videos, infographics.
Infographics will make the users to spend some time in your blog and even share on their social media profiles.
Try to add the video files like, how to do videos, product review videos, etc. Just you can upload the videos to the YouTube channel and can embed the code in the webpage.
Give more internal links in the blog. That is try to make the users know about the other useful relevant blogs present in your website.
Internal links will help both the search engines crawlers and the users to navigate to the other pages in the website and discover the new content.
Add long content with the more media contents, internal links, etc to make both the search engines and the users to explore more about your website
Even you can give some reference links to other blogs, that is in case if you own many websites.
Thus these are the smart tips for writing better contents to rank well on Google SERP.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.