How to Choose an SEO friendly domain name to build your website and get SEO advantages?

Everyone will think a lot before choosing an SEO friendly domain name for your business website, Is the domain name has an impact on SEO? Literally not, But it helps to improve the ClickThrough Rate (CTR) of the Website in the Google SERP.
The main thing in choosing the best domain registrar to register SEO friendly domain name is that it will make the users recognize the brand and click on the link in SERP to visit your webpage.
Branded Domain Names:
If your brand has more reach among the target audience, then having the branded domain name will help you get more clicks on the SERP.
Branded domains names are easily available and you can choose the extension like .com or .org based on your nature of the business.
Keyword targeted Domains:
If you are starting a new brand which has no exposure among the target audience, then you can choose the service/product based domain names.
Usually, this kind of domain names will not be easily available. Having this type of domain name will make the users easily understand about the services that you are offering.
Local Domains:
If your business is based on the local audience, then you can choose the domain name which contains your location along with the brand name.
Having the location-based domain names will help you to get more clicks from the local audience when ranked well on SERP.
Domain Length & Extensions:
Usually, domain length doesn’t matter in the SEO But having the short length domain names will help you get more clicks.
You can choose the extensions based on the location or the domain of your business. It will help the users to understand better about your business.
Thus these are some of the very few things which you should consider before choosing the domain name for your website.
Though it doesn’t have a big impact on the SEO, it will help you get more clicks to your website.
How to rank the domain faster?
Well, if you are planning to start a blogging website, then your aim is to rank the domain for the more potential keywords at a quick time. Here if you choose the new domain name or a fresh domain, then the time to rank the websites will usually be high.
Generally, Google will put the new domain in the sandbox for nearly six months to understand what the website is actually about.
In the sandbox period, usually, your website will be not visible to most of the user. Google will take a certain time to understand your domain and will start showing them on the SERP’s for the target users.
Usually, if you are trying to start a new blogging website, then you can skip this sandbox time by buying the domain which is older for nearly 1 year or more.
By choosing the domains which are old will help you to rank for the keywords very easily.
Another advantage about choosing the old domain is that domain authority will be high whereas if you start the new domain then the authority starts from zero.
The main thing you should consider before buying an old domain is that, check whether it is spam free, contains backlinks from the good authority websites, etc. Read about expired domains for PBNs at PBN Guru.
Choosing the domain with a good volume of backlinks, high domain age and with the better domain authority will make your job easier to rank the web pages on Google more easily.
But this method will not eventually suitable for business websites, as you will be registering a new domain in the name of your brand.
In this case, you can update the site with the quality content, build quality backlinks and increase the authority of the website gradually.
Thus these are some of the smart tips to choose the best SEO friendly domain name.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.