How to keep the users engaged with your website for more time?

Driving traffic to the business website can be done by ranking the website in top of the Google SERP for the potential terms, But the big deal is to keep the users engaged with your website.
Here let’s see some smart ways of making the users to engage with your website for more time. This will help you to reduce the bounce rate of your website.
1. Create Engaging Content:
Adding only the text content won’t keep the users engaged, It’s always important to have more media content like Videos, Infographics, etc.
Try to represent the text contents in the Infographics and other forms, This will make the users to spend more time on your website.
2. Create Popups:
Make sure to create the pop-ups on your website. This popup should make the user subscribe to the site. Later you can use the E-Mail list and outreach the customers.
E-Mail Outreach about your business will help you to increase the sales by more than 30%
3. Related Blogs:
When the user lands on your website from the SERP, you should help the users to navigate to the other related pages in your site.
This can be done by showing the “related posts” below the each and every post. This will help the users to navigate to other related pages more easily.
Try to give more internal links on the posts and pages to the other relevant posts/pages, this will help the users to navigate to the related posts and explore more about your website.
Interlinking will also help the Google Crawlers to discover the new pages and index them.
4. Add “How To Do” videos:
Add more video content in your web page, this will make the users to stick with your website for a long time. Utilizing an AI video generator can simplify the process of creating engaging and informative videos for your website. Also, it has been found that videos tend to make 50% more conversion than the normal content.
Don’t upload the videos directly to the webpage, upload the videos to the YouTube Channel and embed the links to the webpage.
Uploading the videos directly to the webpage will increase the page loading time.
Thus these are some of the smart ways to increase the user’s session on the website. Thus keep the users engaged and reduce the bounce rate.
5. Advantages of Engaging the Users More Time in the Website:
Google uses the RankBrain AI to monitor the user behaviour on the SERP’s and modify the ranks of the web pages on the SERP based on that.
Dwell time is the main factor in the Google RankBrain algorithm, Dwell time is the time duration spent by the user in your website when they visit from the Google SERP.
If your website has more dwell time, then Google’s RankBrain will think that there is more potential content present in your website and hence will give a rank boost to your website.
Hence, as a Website owner, you should always try to engage the users more time on your website. This will help you to improve the ranks of your webpage on the Google SERP.
Making the users to spend more time in your website in turn will reduce the bounce rate of the website as well.
Not only creating the quality and unique text contents will make the users to stay on your website for more time.
You should add more media files like Video, Infographics, Images, etc to make the users stay on your website for a long time.
Hence as an SEO Consultant, you should follow these simple smart ways to improve the ranks of your web pages on Google SERP.
Get in touch with ClickDo if you would like to design a landing page which will help you get more conversions and engage the users for more time in the website.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.