Good Web Hosting Services: Qualities of a Trustable Web Hosting Vendor

Looking for good web hosting services in the UK?
Then know about the best web hosting for small business and why SeekaHost is the best web hosting provider with the best cheap web hosting packages.
Hosting your website will become a nightmare if you host your business website with a vendor who does not have the qualities described in this article.
These recommendations and Qualities are based on hosting Business websites and Blog sites.
Your experience may slightly vary based on your requirements and budget.
For instance, If you are willing to host just 1 website and want the hosting vendor to take care of everything, the best is you can opt-in for CMS based hosting providers.
Most popular ones are Magento hosting, WordPress hosting and Zoomla hosting. The hosting vendor takes care of everything from CMS updates, security patches, upgrades and backups. In a nutshell, You just have to pay for the number of people who visit the website.
For whom this article is best suited for?
If you are a business owner who would like to take control of your complete web presence from domain to emails inside the cPanel with the CMS, you should be reading this complete article.
Should I Expect 24×7 Support?
Absolutely Not! If it’s a good hosting provider, you need not expect a 24×7 support. All you need is a good and timely support during work hours. If your hosting vendor has a well established and highly trained team of professionals, the system will be fully functional and most of the issues with respect to hosting, updates and upgrades wound go un-noticed.
On the other hand, some vendors do offer quality support 24×7 irrespective of the ability to offer good quality service. Its an added advantage but it’s not mandatory as long as the service and hosting servers are reliable.
Uptime of the Servers & Connectivity
Uptime and Server connectivity plays a vital role when it comes to Quality of service. They are also a key factor when it comes to Search engine ranking and visibility of keywords in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). You should always focus on a server that’s having the maximum uptime and should have more than 100Mbps connectivity.
On special instances, your server should have the feasibility to connect with a CDN. The connections between the CDN vendor (Like Google, Amazon, MAXCDN, etc) should be seamless.
Connectivity matters a lot when it’s evaluated for Page Speed Optimisation. When you have a server that always UP and if the connectivity is poor (slow speed), then it’s of no use for the purpose of ranking your website in Search Engines.
Webhosting Interface makes a lot of difference!
The interface used to manage the complete web presence means a lot when it comes to ease of use. If you take leading players like GoDaddy, they have built a completely customised interface for their service. But, this cannot be replicated for every service provider as it is super expensive to build such interfaces. WHM and WHMCS with cPanel are one of the most widely used interfaces by Web Hosting Vendors. The interfaces are constantly evolving and part of the interface are often kept open source to ensure continuous UI and UX upgrades.
Turn Around Time for Tickets
When you demand support, you definitely expect a faster turn around time. But, you should also think about the number of requests that a web hosting company would receive. With this being said, the web hosting company should have the ability to help and support all the tickets sent to them within a maximum of 48 hours (maximum time).
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.