5 Easy Website Audit Tips!

In this post we are going to show you how to complete some basic checks and clear up some common seo problems and errors on your website that you may not be aware of. If you are just starting out building your first blog or business site this will be ideal for you.
By completing some simple tasks and adjusting things a little you will then give your site the best possible chance of success in the Search Engines. This will benfit you by increasing the likelihood of getting better impressions, clicks and traffic.
There is a lot of hard work involved when making your site Search Engine Optimisation friendly and it is a time consuming process. It can be a frustrating time waiting for positive results to come through for your efforts, and it can can take weeks and sometimes months to get results. This could be one of the reasons that people just give up.
In this article there are five things to look for which will improve your site a little to get you off to a great start.
So you have had a great website built and you are spending time writing engaging content, adding blog posts and videos but o you know if the site is actually indexed by the search engines at all? If its not, then there is no way it is going to be found by your target audience that are interested in the subject that your site is built around. The best way to check this is to go to Google.com and type in site:yourwebsite.com. Obviously replace the yourwebsite.com with your homepage URL. You should see your site at the top of the results indicating that Google is aware that you exist and you are in their directory. If you are not indexed, then we will go into how to get added in our next article.
Get your website found!
Once your site is indexed we want it to be seen by searchers looking for what you have to offer. Check your descriptions and titles are optimised for the keywords that you wish to rank for. If you have completed your keyword research correctly, then you should have a list of terms that you wish to rank for and build your content around. You should include your main phrases in your titles, descriptions and loosely through your content which will help with your rankings.
Check your content for dulplication.
Duplicate and copied content will put your site at risk of a penalty and you will risk de-indexation. To start with, any content that you add should be 100% unique and free from any grammar and punctual errors. It is important that you do not write for the Search Engines only. Think of your target audience and what would be relevant, interesting and engaging for them to read. Great content will encourage people to share this which will expand your audience and make them come back for more.
How fast does your site load?
Check your site speed for its loading time. It is common knowledge that this is a small ranking factor and the quicker that a site loads the better it is for user experience. If your site takes many seconds to appear the chances are that you will lose that visitor and this will reflect on your bounce rate which is negative if it too high. A high bounce rate will tell the Search Engines that people are leaving quickly so your site might not be relevant to what the searcher is looking for. You can check your page loading speed by visiting the Google Pagespeed insights tool.
Notify Google of any changes
Update Google on any changes that you have made through your webmaster dashboard. You can do this by logging in and using the Fetch as Google tool. Just add your URL and click fetch. Once this is complete you will be able to submit the updated version of the site. This is a very simple process and Google will now update your site in its index.
Author Profile

- I am an SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd's Canary Wharf office in the heart of London. Specialising in the latest on and off page Search Engine Optimisation techniques, I help our clients increase there rankings to improve traffic and profit.
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