How Bounce Rate effects Your Search Engine Ranks?

What is Bounce Rate?
Bounce Rate is the percentage of the people who are visiting your website from the search results and reverting back to the SERP’s within the short period of time.
That is if the users visit your webpage and leave the site immediately without making any interactions with your site, then the bounce rate increases.
Increase in the bounce rate indicates that the content in the webpage is not fulfiling the users need and hence some tweaking should be done in order to make the users stay on your page,
Google uses the bounce rate as one of the main ranking signals.
How bounce rate impacts SEO?
More the bounce rate indicates that the content present in your website is not relevant to the users who are visiting your site searching for a particular keyword. Hence Google will not show your website on top if your site has more bounce rate.
How to Reduce the Bounce Rate?
There are many ways by which you can reduce the bounce rate of your website. You can add some media files like Infographics, Videos, etc. This will make the users to spend more time on your website.
In the meantime, try to find out what the users are looking for and add update the web pages based on that. This will result in a low bounce rate.
If your website receives a very low bounce rate, then from the Google’s view, your website has quality content what the users are looking for. This will result in the rank boost for your website.
Not only the content matters, but even the website interface also plays a vital role in reducing the bounce rate.
Even though the site has quality content, users will bounce back to the SERP if the interface doesn’t look to be pleasing.
Hence overall you should make the webpage look good with fruitfull contents to reduce the bounce rate and improve the ranks on the Google SERP.
Google RankBrain and the Bounce Rate:
Google’s RankBrain is the AI which modifies the ranks on the website based on the user’s behavior on the Google SERP.
Bounce rate has a huge impact in the effecting the ranks of your website.
Let’s take a scenario here, say your website is ranking at #2 for some keyword if the users landing on your webpage from Google bounces back to the SERP in a quick time without taking any action on your website.
The same user if visits the webpage which is ranking on #4 or #5 and if spends more time there. Then Google’s RankBrain will note this action.
If Google finds similar actions from many people around the web, then it will give a rank boost to the website which is ranking at #4 or #5
That is the Google’s RankBrain AI uses the dwell time as the important factor in the ranking of the webpage. If the user spend more time on the website, then it has more dwell time which is a good sign for SEO.
Nowadays, AI plays a vital role in defining the ranks of the webpage by monitoring the users activity on Google SERP.
Hence as an SEO Consultant, you should give importance to reduce the bounce rate of the website and engage the users in the website for more time.
It’s fine to build lnks and move it to first page. But to sustain the ranks on the Web, you should be smart enough to engage the users with your website for more time.
You can get in touch with the ClickDo team and can get some ideas on making the perfect landing page design to engage the users in the website.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.