ClickDo Weekly Update

It’s the end of the week at ClickDo Ltd and we are getting ready for the Christmas break and extended weekend.
Below are some of the things that the gang at ClickDo have been up to this week.
Fernando is busy building our new APPs department and is reaching out to talented individuals to join this new team for next year. APPs are the way forward and this is an exciting new project for us. You can read Fernandos post on the digital econamy here.
As I mentioned in the last post, the Quickwasters new website is coming along nicely and Kasun, Madhura and Nuwan are flat out working extremely hard on the project and it should be ready soon.
Monday, Fernando and Michael went to have a meeting with Omer at SOS Electricals and secured a new photography and video project with them.
As a result of this, on Thursday Michael spent the afternoon and evening with the guys at at one of their jobs at the Hilton hotel. He has taken a number of photos which we will use in their blog posts, throughout their website and Pinterest page.
We have have some comments about NS down times over the last couple of weeks, so Logesh has written a post about this explaining all in detail and you can read it here.
fci London has had a number of new blog posts written and you can read the lasted Contemporary Furniture Guide on their blog page.
Next week we are planning a number of internal meetings to plan the strategy for 2017 and beyond. We are planning to help over 10,000 business owners build their brand and online exposure in the UK and around the globe.
As you can see from the below image, the ClickDo website is doing very nicely and if you want to build your brand for the next year give us a call to see how we can replicate this for you.
If you liked this post you may wish to read the protect your website from hackers article or the start SEO for your business post.
Author Profile

- I am an SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd's Canary Wharf office in the heart of London. Specialising in the latest on and off page Search Engine Optimisation techniques, I help our clients increase there rankings to improve traffic and profit.
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