SEO Packages- Affordable Local SEO Packages for Business

More than 3.5 billion searches are done on Google. Every single day. Want to make sure that your target audience finds your business when searching for products/services online? With one simple (and affordable step), you can rank at the top of Google search results. And be found by the right people at the right time. Check out the best SEO packages for your business.

Search Engine Optimisation 

Yes, that’s all you need to land on top of Google SERPs and watch your business prosper.

Don’t have thousands of pounds to spend on SEO? Well, you don’t even need that much money. Contrary to popular belief, SEO is not expensive. I am not saying it doesn’t cost anything. But not nearly as much as you’d expect. I have seen a lot of businesses pay bills that run in thousands of pounds for SEO services. They start by paying a couple of pounds for one service and then a couple more for another. And by the time they reach the end of the month, they have to pay more in bills than they can ever hope to make from the campaign. And I am shocked at how some people take advantage of gullible business owners to fill their deep pockets. Charging thousands of pounds for something that can be done under £150 sounds like robbery to me.

SEO Packages – How do I know the real cost of SEO?

Hi, my name is Fernando Raymond, and I am an SEO consultant. I own ClickDoTM Ltd., a digital marketing agency in the UK. I founded the company in 2013. That was after I had spent a couple of years perfecting my SEO strategies while working as a freelance consultant.

And that is why I know how much SEO costs. And it definitely isn’t in thousands.

Fernando & Team ClickDo London

What Do We Have To Offer You?

The most cost-effective SEO packages.

Please take note of how I am offering you cost-effective packages. Not the cheapest package on the market. You can find other agencies and consultants offering SEO services for much lower than me. But, before you fall into their clickbait schemes, know that you won’t be happy with the results.

And of course, the highest paid plans also don’t guarantee success. But I do. I guarantee that you won’t regret this. I will offer you worth for every penny that you pay me.

You can start out by selecting the Bronze package. And for just  £149, I will audit and fix your website by addressing all the SEO issues. Your website is the starting point for your SEO efforts, and it needs to be perfect. And I’d do that for you.

I’ll make sure you have the meta titles and descriptions in place and will be correcting the use of Alt tags and canonical tags. Even schema, sitemaps, robots.txt, and several other big and small things will be taken care of for you. And that’s in addition to the 2 hours of SEO consultancy that I will offer.

But that’s not all. You will also get 100+ genuine directory listings. My colleague Dinesh Kumar VM is a link building specialist. And he’ll help your website gain authority and link juice which helps you rank higher. (Relax, we won’t you charge extra for Dinesh’s efforts, it’s all included in the package.)

And by the end of the campaign, your business will rank for top 3 keywords related to your business niche. Your prospective audience will find you, and you’ll get more business.

And to make sure you get the maximum value for what you pay, you’d also get two blog posts and two guest posts each month. That’s because good content goes a long way in aiding SEO efforts. And of course, there is monthly reporting to keep you abreast with the results that the campaign is generating.

In this SEO package, there are no bells and whistles. Unlike a few others, I am not trying to sell you a secret sauce without telling you what it is. I have told you what I will do. And also how that will help your business.

If you are ready to spend  £149 per month in exchange for constant growth, you can fill in the form right here. I will then get in touch with you to discuss your business goals and expectations from the SEO campaign.

I also have plans for £299 and £399, for bigger businesses with higher SEO needs. You can find the details about those plans on this page.

_SEO packages

Do These SEO Packages Really Yield Results?

It is easy to state what I can do for you and stay silent about what results you’ll get. But that’s not how we work at ClickDo. You’ll never hear us say that we did what we could, but didn’t get the expected results. We are extremely result-oriented. We get the results, every time. When we started working with Expert Payroll Service, they didn’t even have a business website. We started from scratch in July 2018. And by October, they had a beautifully designed website that was ranking in the top 10 results on Google. They had their guest posts published in esteemed columns. Blogs for their own site. And hundreds of directory listings. I don’t just make hollow promises. I deliver.

And like I did with them, I will make sure that you too get all that you are paying for.

How Am I Able To Offer SEO Service for Such Low Prices?

Every time I meet someone and tell them how much I charge for SEO consultancy, I get a questioning look.

I have had people ask me questions like, “What kind of sorcery do you do to be able to offer these bundled services at such a low cost?”

And I tell them just one thing. I know the craft. I have years of experience with SEO, and I know what works and what doesn’t. This cuts down the trial and error in the campaigns that I run. And because I am able to get things done right on the first go itself, my costs are reduced. And I pass on the benefit to my clients.

My business operation process is simple. I don’t overcharge. And when I offer cost-effective services that yield results, I get more business. This way, it works for both my clients and me. If you are ready to trust me, you can reach me through this form, or give me a call at my SEO hotline by dialling 020 8638 5857.

SEO packages at clickdo