5 Best SEO Auditing Tools You Should know

In recent years, a greater number of businesses investing a lot of money in digital marketing and SEO mainly to increase their brand growth and to sell their products on online platforms. Some of the business owners recruiting their own marketing team, or some SEO experts to promote their brand for business growth. SEO is playing an important role to make their website familiar and getting top-ranking positions for the keywords and landing pages. To track the SEO process and its success SEO audit is mandatory for the website from the initial stage. Auditing the SEO process is a time-consuming process if you do it on your own. To make the SEO auditing process simple, we have a list of some SEO technical tools that provide SEO auditing features. Check out the uses of SEO auditing tools.
This guide will be helpful for both the SEO experts to generate a detailed SEO audit report for their clients and for the business owners to track the progress of SEO.
Importance of SEO Auditing
SEO Auditing helps to analyze your website performance, as well as its ranking factors. Your site ranking will be changed from one position to another position depending on Google’s new algorithm update. SEO auditing helps to track your website position and its target keyword position in a timely manner.
SEO audit on a regular basis helps to support the online presence of your website. Regular Inspection of your website helps to minimize big issues on search engine rankings, and it gives a proper insight into your individual web pages.
On other hand, the importance of SEO auditing services depends on the size of your website. Whether it may be a small website or a large website, it will need proper auditing service in a regular manner to stick with Google rankings.
Everyone’s goal would be to rank higher on SERPs, to achieve this you need the right SEO auditing strategy. You may perform this analysis with the help of online SEO audit tools and recommendations from SEO experts.
Top 5 Online SEO Auditing Tools
There are hundreds of SEO auditing tools available in the market to make your SEO website auditing simpler. Some SEO audit tools are available for free, and some tools have only limited features for the free version. Here we mentioned some of the SEO audit tools to analyze your website performance and to fix any problems within your website.
- Ahrefs
- Semrush
- Moz
- Google Search Console
- Google Keyword Planner
1. Ahrefs
Ahref’s helps you to audit the on-page performance of your website and to evaluate what holds your website for a better ranking. Ahref’s SEO audit tools crawl all ages of your website and then it will provide an overall health score, showcase all the data, flag an SEO issue, and provides a possible recommendation to fix the issues.
Here, you have an option to set the parameters to skip the unrelated sections during the crawling. You can say your audit tool, what you want to check on the entire website.
2. SEMRush
SEMRush is another SEO auditing tool used to track the website’s health, keywords, competitor research, backlinks, and PPC keywords. You can use the SEMRush tool to track the competitor’s data and their keywords to boost your ranking. SEMRush is to
- Track the competitors SEO strategies and their ad budget
- Finding Top advertisers and publishers
- To create effective campaigns
- To find the best keywords for SEO and PPC
- For backlinks analysis
- To export analytical reports
- Website audit and its position track.
3. Moz
Moz is one of the best SEO auditing tools, many large companies and website owners use Moz products for their SEO process.
For link building, many SEO experts use Moz to check the domain authority and page authority to find the right pages for giving backlinks. Moz is to
- Used as keyword Explorer
- Used to Explore the site
- Business Listing
- SEO practice
- Business console
4. Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a free SEO auditing tool that is recommended for every website owner for their SEO journey. It provides more insights for analyzing a website.
This SEO auditing tool monitors website performance, backlinks, search queries, and the number of visitors to your website. Google Search Console is the best tool for adjusting the SEO strategy. The data-driven from the Search Console will help the business owners to discover the new ranking opportunities. Google Search Console is for
- Getting more knowledge about the organic traffic
- To get more clicks and impressions
- To measure the number of clicks
- To know the average ranking position
- To know about the visitors.
5. Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner is an amazing SEO auditing tool that allows you to track all the latest keywords, and this will help you tune your website content and marketing campaigns for your audience. This helps you to offer relevant content for your target audience.
This tool will be used to search particular words or phrases to relate your content and it analyses the phrases related to their SEO metrics. Google Keyword Planner is for
- Discovering new trending keywords
- To understand the monthly search volume for keywords
- To create new ad campaigns
- To know the competitors ranking position
- To understand the cost of ads set-up
Performing regular SEO audit will ensure the health of your website and it helps to get enhance with your customer. An increase in traffic rate generates high-quality leads, that will reflect on your business growth. Without any delay plan for an SEO audit today by using the SEO-auditing tools or hire a professional SEO expert.
Author Profile

- Jr. SEO Consultant, Blogger, & Content Specialist. Passion for writing in SEO, Digital Marketing & Tech-related Niches.
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