10 Tips for writing a Great Blog post Titles

Great Blog posts titles gain more attention from your audience, and this will automatically reflect in the growth of site traffic. Usually, blog posts titles are hard to define. You need to make the title simple and informative to capture more clicks and the attention of your blog viewers. Great blog post titles are considered as one of the supporting pillars of your content.
You need to put some extra effort on creating blog post titles because your blog post titles are the first thing your readers see. Your blog post title has a huge impact on CTR, because of organic traffic.
Now, you understand why you need to spend extra time to work on the blog post titles. The 60 characters bring more drastic changes and help to rank your blog on google.
The bloggers who understand the importance of blog post titles deserve better results.
How to write great blog post titles?
Here I am sharing a top 10 tips to create a great blog post title for your audience and to boost your blog traffic to the next level.
1. Avoid Spam words in the title
Over 3 billion blog posts are publishing each year, and some of the common phrases are considered as spam and audience interest in these words is also get reduced. For example, the phrase “ultimate guide” has lost its value and interest among the readers in the last decade.
The blog post titles like “The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing” or “The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research” are not just boring to your readers, but also impact your brand authority. Recent research says, the words like “Ultimate”, “amazing” and “magic” can rapidly decrease your Click-Through-Rate. In the end, your content becomes spammy.
So instead of using this kind of overused and spammy words, find the new phrases that work great for ranking. Focus on a fresh and new word for your blog post title.
2. Use SEO Keywords
You already know about the usage of keywords in the blog post title. But this is a gentle reminder. Your blog post title must contain your primary keywords. So, do keyword research before starting a blog and fix a great blog post title. An effective content marketing strategy for most blogs involves organic traffic, that requires keyword-targeted blog posts in its list. Sometimes a great blog post does not reach more customers because of less targeting keyword ideas.
So, make sure to include targeting keywords in your blog post title.
3. Use “How to “on Title
Using the “how-to” formula on your blog post title. The SEO tool found that more than 80% of marketers using “how to “on their blog post titles to drive more traffic to their blogs.
For example:” How to rank higher on Google Maps? ”
So next time when you are writing a blog post, use this strategy and see how it works with your audience.
4. Add brackets in the title
Nowadays, I am seeing many bloggers includes brackets in their blog post title. After research I came to know adding a bracket in the blog post titles is the new myth to rank higher on SERP.
These brackets work better and also increase the CTR.
Here are some of the options to add the brackets in your blog post title. You can pick the relevant one to your blog post.
- [Updated]
- [Infographic]
- [Video]
- [Step-by-Step Guide]
- [Report]
- [Study]
For example: ” SEO Audit Service Guide (All about Website Audits) ”
5. Use Numbers on Title
Include numbers on the blog post title is the standard tip, and there is the proven data says that including numbers in your blog post title increases your blog traffic.
Blindly adding any numbers does not boost your blog traffic. You should check the SERP for your keyword to know the ranking and to avoid duplicate titles.
To stand out from other relevant blog posts try to include numbers in your blog post title and check the SERP before using the numbers in your blog post titles.
For example: ” 7 ways to improve the loading speed of your website ”
6. Use the first person
The reason that people reading a blog post is to learn something new. So, to keep the readers and blog visitors engage, you should need to maintain authority. There are number of blog posts available on the same title, but the user gives more importance to the authoritative resources.
Using the first person in your blog post titles clearly shows the blog was written by some experts who know what they are talking about.
For example: ” Best business coach in UK for coaching and mentoring start-ups and entrepreneurs” is a super clickable and generate more traffics
7. Connect with an audience
Whenever you are writing a blog post consider your audience and make it clear for whom you are writing a blog. Include the audience in your blog title give a great impact on your content and it gets maximum clicks.
When you see the post title like “5 simple tips on Beginner’s Guide to grow YouTube channel”.
You know this blog is for someone who is at the beginners’ level.
You can use this same formula to target your audience with your blog post title
For example: “Marketing tips for content writers” “How to manage pregnancy mood swings” “How to choose an outfit for first dating”
Tip: This technique works better if you are targeting long-tail keywords.
8. Be unique
Your blog post title should be based on what you are writing about and who all your targeting audience is. So, make the process simple by selecting the Unique title aligned with the primary keywords. Having a unique blog title prevents duplication issues and allows the search engines to pick your blog post instantly.
9. Make it clear
Providing an unclear blog post title to your blog post is like a book having a wrong cover page. Make sure your blog post titles clearly convey the subject of your blog post.
10. Use catchy words
It is always important to have a catchy word in your blog title to attract more readers. To create an engaging title, you should use catchy words for your blog post title. Having a catchy word influences people towards your blog and you can get more visitors on a regular basis
Final Words
Your blog post title shows what your content is about for your audience, increases their interest to read, and convinces them to click. This will automatically increase your CTR and brings more solid readers to your blogs. So, to boost your traffic spend more time deciding your blog post topic.
Author Profile

- Jr. SEO Consultant, Blogger, & Content Specialist. Passion for writing in SEO, Digital Marketing & Tech-related Niches.
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